What are your travel intentions for 2022?

Published On: Jan, 2022

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Elephant Behaviour Flapping Ears And Curling Trunk
Lion Spoor

 Mine is spend more time in nature

This has got to be the best intention for 2022!

Is spending more time in nature your good intention too for 2022?

I don’t believe in new year’s resolutions. But if I had to have one, this would be it. My intention for 2022 is to spend more quality time connecting with Mother Nature. Enjoying the outdoors and just loving life. Why? Because a trip into nature, it makes me curious, it makes me eager to learn and lots more.

Seeing wildlife and beautiful landscapes soothes me, because when I’m in nature I am totally absorbed by my surroundings. The reason for this is because Mother Nature is in a constant state of balance and peace. So, when I spend quality time in nature I find myself in balance and at peace as well. My mind naturally remains in the present moment, not thinking about the past or the future. With this state of being any signs of stress or anxiety goes right out the window. 

It makes me curious because I always want to know more about why an animal is behaving in a certain way. But, what really gets my curiosity going are the tracks and signs of animals. This is one of my favourite things to do whilst on safari but especially on a walking safari. That’s why I offer them to my clients. 

I always try to be the first one up to look for spoor before any human tracks disturb the ground. But this part of the morning is also very blissful just to sit still and listen to the birds through the cool thin morning air. And possibly hear the final roars of a lion before he retires for the day after patrolling his territory during the night.

That’s why I have special tours to get connected with nature. And you can experience it yourself. Join us on a tour of Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game Reserve

Nature also teaches me a great deal because nature has so many lessons for us to learn from. The biggest lesson is the cycle of life. Even through adversity the sun still rises, the birds still sing and change is evitable. There’s a reason for every season. As an example trees bear fruit, lose their leaves, and start to grow again. This cycle is repeated year in and year out.  Mother Nature’s attention to detail leaves me in awe time and time again.

Last but not least I feel one with nature as my body, mind, and soul is at ease when I am out in nature. Nature is the best medicine. 

Hluhluwe Hug A Rhino 1

The BIG question is how can one spend more time in this Big 5 National Park? Travel with Under African Skies and reconnect with nature. Currently the most popular Under African Skies’ family package is the full-day safari. This is a day of relaxation with nature all around you. NO DRIVING, which is the best part for most people, and just to be on a leisurely time out. It’s almost like having your own personal chauffeur, but this is no ordinary chauffeur. This expert chauffeur will teach you about the bush.

The next popular package is for the more adventurous, the wilderness trail. Spending two nights out in nature with animals roaming around freely. Because Imfolozi Game Reserve is a Big 5 national park, things might get exciting out here. Showering under a tree, watching the sunrise, gazing at the stars with no light pollution, and enjoying listening to nature while sitting around the campfire. For me, this has to be one of my most blissful experiences. This walking safari is an absolute privilege to experience. And is definitely on my adventure list for 2022. 

Under African Skies Offers the Best Nature Tours.

These lovely ladies were on Under African Skies’ inaugural safari to Hluhluwe Imfolozi Game Reserve for 2022. The early morning drive to the Big 5 National Park was misty yet beautiful. It was their first time visiting a Game Reserve. So it was a pretty special safari. We were able to see three of the Big Five. When asked what their highlight of the day was, they all said, “the entire day was a highlight.” Gift was the happiest becasuse she didn’t have to drive or see to the kids.

Join us on one of our various nature experiences to witness how creative Mother Nature really is.

Wilderness Trial 2
Big 5 Day Tour In Hluhluwe Game Reserve 1024x885
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