These animals are on my must-see list in Hluhluwe Game Reserve

Published On: Oct, 2022

People always ask to see the Big Five, but there’s so much more to see on a game drive. I think all animals are beautiful. But we all have a list of animals that we would like to get more of on a safari. Each guided tour is unique and you never know which animal on your list will be spotted.


Do you have a list of animals? Your list could be either the perfect photo that you’re looking for, maybe just observing their behaviour, could be your favourite animal that you love seeing, maybe watching animals interact in their groups, or may be your bucket list animal that you have never seen before.

Under African Skies In Hluhluwe

My list looks something like this but not all are included here:

African Wild Dog

The African wild dog as it is on the Under African Skies logo, with reason. They have stamina and work as a team. They take care of the weaker members and don’t leave a member of the pack behind. Wild dogs are also known as the painted dog. They are on the endangered list, but you have a chance to see them on a safari in Hluhluwe.

Wild Dog Imfolozi Game Reserve

Spotted Hyena

I would love to see spotted hyenas in a pack interacting with each other. I have seen hyenas a few times Hluhluwe National Park, but they it was always one and always on the move. Which means the pics are not so good, which also means I would like better photos. The spotted hyena is also known as the laughing hyena. One of the very famous sounds of Africa. This sound is not out of a happy moment but rather when they are stressed.

Hyena Hluhluwe


Leopard, is of course one of the Big 5, but still…A leopard in a tree on a kill in Hluhluwe National Park. A typical scene that everyone wants to see. I have seen this. I sat at the sighting for more than an hour capturing the moment on my camera. And then went on to lose my camera sim card with my best leopard sighting photos. Why do leopards carry their prey up tree? They do this to avoid their prey getting stolen by other predators like hyena and lion. A leopard can carry prey larger and heavier than itself up a tree. It is one of the strongest animals in Africa.

Leopard Imfolozi Game Reserve


A porcupine, as my encounters with porcupines have always been very very brief with no photo opportunity. All, I have ever really seen was a porcupine’s quill. And this moment had to be captured. Porcupine quills are actually modified hair. The quills are used to protect them against predators by shooting the quills to defend themselves. One of the main reasons for not seeing porcupines often are due to the fact that they are nocturnal. So, it’s best to go on a night drive.

Porcupine Quill Hluhluwe

All babies

I love seeing all the adorable and cuddly babies of the animal kingdom. Babies make a safari cute.

Rhino Calf Hluhluwe

It’s not only about capturing moments by taking beautiful photos. But capturing moments with your eyes are also very important. As it stays etched in your memory and heart forever. I would also like to see these animals for a longer time, watching them interact with each other or with other animals. There’s so much more to see on a safari than the Big Five.


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